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Alphonso Speculum – Explore Globe With Care

“Childhood blindness refers to a group of diseases and conditions occurring in childhood or early adolescence, which, if left untreated, result in blindness or severe visual impairment that are likely to be untreatable later in life.”                                                                         -World Health Organisation Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is the major cause of Childhood Blindness. It becomes inevitable to treat ROP when the vision starts disappearing. There are two methods used to treat Retinopathy of Prematurity – Cryotherapy and LASER. The Alphonso eye speculum is a mandatory tool used in surgery to have a close glimpse at the globe.   The Alphonso Eye Speculum is made up of stainless steel with high quality satin finish which opens 27mm wide. The extra small size speculum’s length is 1-3/4in (45cm)...

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To Ensure The Best Examination Of The Pediatric Retina Using Alfonso Speculum

Have you mastered the art of examination of Pediatric Retina? Not yet? The development, eye size, and structure, all such things affect or help you understand the signs of the pediatric  retina. With the correct and precise examination of the retina, one can interpret the intrusion timing and the appropriate surgical techniques for pediatric retina patients. To ensure the best examination of the pediatric retina, Alfonso speculum must be used to examine both the eyes of the patient, irrespective of any symptoms present or absent in the contralateral eye. To know more, read on.

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Alfonso Speculum- A Widely Used Pediatric Tool

Do you need to have a close look at the globe? The Alfonso Speculum allows you to have an expanded visualization of the globe. The physician or the assistant can easily handle the Alfonso speculum as it is lightweight with thumb rest feature.  Due to its light frame, the Alfonso speculum is also easy to insert. The Alfonso eye speculum opens 27mm wide and is made up of stainless steel with satin finish. The extra-small size speculum's overall length is 1-3/4in (45mm) and the blades are 5mm wide. The Alfonso eye speculum is the high demand tools that are widely used in the pediatric surgeries. The childhood blindness is usually caused by the retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). When the vision...

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