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Lieberman Speculum- A Tool for Removing Extra Fluid from Optical Surface

With the solid blades, a lieberman speculum is a great tool with wide applications in clinics and hospitals. The lieberman eye speculum is used for the removal of any extra fluid from the ophthalmic surfaces. The solid blades of the lieberman speculum are designed in such a way that it can hold the operating drape below the eyelids. Efficiently sanitized and decontaminated, the lieberman eye speculum is completely safe for use. These speculums are available at standard industry prices online. The lieberman speculums are available in various specifications with V-wire or K-wire flexible mechanism. Made up of stainless steel and titanium, the lieberman speculums is usually designed with a satin finish. Such speculum’s lid tightness is adjustable. As per the...

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Handling Lieberman Speculum

A proper care for the delicate reusable surgical tools is mandatory. If you cannot handle the tools properly, it is a complete wastage of money and energy. The subtle instruments like Lieberman eye speculum or Alphonso eye speculum or different types of forceps need special care which many of you are not aware of. To understand the importance of the right handling of the surgical instrument and to learn the dos and don’ts and steps to cleaning, sanitizing, and storing such tools, read here.

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